What Is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministers are compassionate lay people who listen, encourage, and offer support to adults of our St. John’s family or community who are experiencing difficult times.


A Stephen Minister is not a professional counselor or therapist, but rather a fellow Christian who has been specially trained to help individuals through the confusion, stress, or loneliness associated with grief, separation or divorce, a chronic, serious, or terminal illness, a job or financial crisis, the stress of caring for a loved one, or other difficult issues. Care receivers and Stephen Ministers are always matched by gender. The identity of those receiving care and what is discussed in each caring relationship always remain confidential. 

Could I Become a Stephen Minister?

Stephen Ministers are people who are caring, emotionally stable, dependable, and trustworthy. The Stephen Leaders at St. John’s offer a 50 hour Stephen Ministry training class to prepare interested men and women to become Stephen Ministers. Following training, Stephen Ministers are commissioned and paired with care receivers. The Stephen Leaders provide twice monthly continuing education and supervision to Stephen Ministers.  


To learn more about serving as a Stephen Minister contact Pastor Mike Schmid for information regarding the next training session.