For more information about the Student Ministry, contact Kevin Mathison or Pastor Mike.
5th & 6th Graders
Next up!
At Surge, our Bible studies often focus on topics and ideas that are completely in the face of all middle schoolers. Believe it or not, the Bible wasn’t written just for adults, Jesus talks to us too! We laugh a lot and hang out with one another while we try to promote a safe and healthy social environment for everybody. The games and activities are often built for group building and teamwork.
7th & 8th graders
Wednesdays @ 7pm-8:30pm in Room 10
This group is built for our 7th & 8th grade youth, but it requires a commitment to the program. Our big focus in this group is to give the students the building blocks for a strong, personal faith. So many of our students are yearning for a relationship with Jesus, but they don’t really have the foundation & we hope to build that over the two years in Confirmation.
High School
9th-12th graders
High School Hangout: Sundays after the Service
This is our group designed for High School students of course! This time in life can produce so many questions and mysteries so our goal is to walk alongside each other as we figure out the answers through Christ. We take our Bible studies a lot deeper than we have in any other group and we have a lot of fun doing so. Our big focus in this ministry is on our identity in Christ that can sometimes become overshadowed by all the other noises in our life.
Annual Events
Easter Breakfast
Easter Morning at St. John’s is filled with the Good News that Jesus is Alive! It’s also filled with the wonderful aroma of a breakfast made and served by the SJL Youth.
Confirmation Sunday
The first Sunday in May we hold our annual Confirmation Sunday. This is the day that our students who have completed Confirmation are confirmed and get to share their “Faith Statements” with the entire congregation.
Confirmation Retreat
Near the beginning of the Confirmation cycle we retreat to Golden Valley Camp for a weekend of team building, bonding, worship, & learning.