Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is a governing board. Its main duty is to ensure the fulfillment of St. John’s Mission and Vision. It does this by holding the Lead Pastor accountable for implementing a ministry plan that pursues the mission and vision for our church, school, and other ministries, and supporting him in the fulfillment of that plan.
The Board of Directors also prepares and maintains a Policy Manual that defines the goals of the congregation, the relationship between the Board and the Lead Pastor, the limitations on the Lead Pastor, and the way in which the Board will carry out its duties. The Board members do not represent any particular group or constituency of St. John’s. Rather, the Board acts on behalf of the entire St. John’s community, especially as it confesses its purpose through the Mission and Vision statement.
Currently Serving on the Board
- Dennis Arnett
- Bob De Young
- Ron Johnson
- Dick Lemin
- Martin Meissenhalter (treasurer)
- Tyler Roberts
- Judi Rock
- Paula Schweiger (chair)
- Gail Vandeburgt (secretary)